"The art of
teaching is
the art of
-Mark van Doren
A Message from the Director
Welcome to The Mays School family. I am honored that you have taken the time to look through our website. I understand that looking for the “right” school for your child can be a difficult task. As parents, we only want what is best for our children. There are several wonderful schools in the Houston area, and I am grateful that you are considering us.
I believe that a strong relationship between families, students, teachers, and administration is one of the primary traits that makes us so unique. Community and honest communication are key to a quality program.
I founded The Mays School in 2012 when I wanted to see a big change in education. I absolutely love teaching and working with young children, but after seven years in high quality, yet stagnant, education programs, I developed a desire to work in a program that fosters creativity and utilizes inquiry-based learning. I reached out to my mentors for guidance and eventually decided to dedicate myself to opening my own school.
Through my background in child development, teaching, and education, I understand just how important these years of childhood are. I’ve dedicated my life to improving the quality of education, as well as the lives of the future men and women that will graduate from The Mays School.
In 2012 we started with only a small handful of students and two classrooms. Over the years we have grown into the well-respected and loved school we are today. We now have 16 classrooms, 50 teachers, and over 200 students to learn with every day.
My husband, Kenneth, joined our school in 2017 when he left his position in aerospace communications to work in the family business. Our curriculum coordinators, Cindy and Amanda, joined our administration team from extremely successful classroom management roles. We are continually growing our administration and teaching teams to add new specialties and new perspectives, with the ultimate goal of enriching the lives of our students.
Each time we’ve grown our school, I strive to maintain our tight community while branching out to the larger environment, and each time, it has come down to personalization of our curriculum, our care, and our love for each child every day. I make an effort to know every child’s family, interests, and education plan before they enroll and every day after. I spend time in the classrooms every day learning with and observing our students and I love every minute of it—spending time with children is what brings joy to my heart.
Please feel free to reach out to me at any time. My door is always open. I find great joy in communicating with families and forming life-long friendships.
Jessi Mays
Jessi Mays
Owner and Director